I love him so much that I thought I loved enough for both of us...
I Miss My Best Friend
Published on December 4, 2003 By Shobonna In Welcome
Well, I found a website that explains everything I did to lose my best friend, the love of my life. Here were my mistakes: 1. Assume the person is your soul mate immediately upon meeting or shortly thereafter. Look for signs that faith has brought you together and be amazed by the correlations in your lives. 2. Forget about your life, your friends, your self care. When you have a soul mate, why would you need a life outside of the relationship? 3. Reveal everything, and test your partner with your worst behavior. Let it all hang out. After all, if he or she is truly your soul mate, he or she will love you no matter what. 4. Have sex right away. If you are meant to be together for a lifetime, might as well get started on the fun part right away. 5. Ignore anything about your partner that does not mesh with your values, lifestyle, belief system. True love can conquer such insignificant differences. 6. Do lots of drama together. Job, family, life crisis are a great way to establish a relationship and test if you are meant to be together. 7. Spend as much time together as possible. When it's true love, you can't bear to let your partner out of your sight. 8. Ignore behavior that crosses your boundaries or hurts your feelings. It's true love, so it's ok. 9. Lavish a huge amount of attention on your partner or expect a huge amount of attention to be lavished on you. How else would you act if you finally found your soul mate? 10. Push the relationship forward and demand that it go deeper, in spite of where your partner is emotionally. You have the right to have the relationship be exactly how you want it to be and your soul mate owes you that. The funny thing is, I still don't think these are mistakes. I loved him hard and always will. I thought I was enough. I know he loves me, but why couldn't I be enough?
on Dec 04, 2003
I've been where you are. It was when I was 18 (actually 17 through 20). A rollercoaster. In my case, eventually I found that the best solution was to be apart from her and eventually I did find the person who became my true soul mate but it took a long while.
on Dec 05, 2003
Right there right now. Not fun, I can tell you that. May sound trivial but if at all possible, try to retain your dignity, pride and self-respect. I lost mine and although it seemed unimportant, I regret it now. Don't know why I wasn't enough for the man who claimed I was his soulmate, and still does to this day. Wish I could move on but quite frankly, I don't want to.